About dryiceInfo

The Dry Ice Experts
In 1978, as a business broker, Ken sold a local ice business and was then invited to manage it. Although they did not offer dry ice, the constant requests convinced him to start carrying it. As with all dry ice sellers, he quickly found out that most customers ask more questions than the dollars they spend! After many years of accumulated questions, Ken and his wife Ellen started writing handouts for their clientele.
Modern times brought the lure of advertising on the internet, and Ken and Ellen put their dry ice business online. The results were even more questions, now from all over the world. We offered to ship dry ice at costs of $75.00 to $200.00 plus the price of dry ice and the shipping container – way too much for most people. In the first five years on the internet – only four orders came in, including one we shipped to Puerto Rico after a hurricane.
Besides information about dry ice, people needed where to find it locally. Ken was proud to start developing the site www.dryiceInfo.com on June 14, 2000. He finished writing by the end of August and started the much more challenging job of listing dry ice sellers. We first published our dryiceDirectory in November 2000, but we need to keep it updated. Anyone can be ADDED for free as a seller at any time. Of course, supporting members get a logo listing with more information available for new customers.
While writing, Ken and Ellen learned about Dry Ice Blasting and added a separate website for this fascinating cleaning method.
Ellen started helping her Uncle in the ice business while she attended college in Nebraska. After graduating, she purchased the “Ice Company.” Her success in the ice business fundamentally comes from the excellent work habits and integrity she learned as a country girl growing up in the sandhills of Nebraska. Before joining Ken in California, she worked in Omaha and Tucson’s ice and dry ice business. Together, we have over 84 years of experience in the ice and dry ice business.
Covid 19 with the Pfizer vaccine brought a new awareness of dry ice because of the necessity of shipping it utilizing dry ice to maintain recommended storage temperature conditions of -94°F±14°F (-70°C±10°C) for up to 10 days unopened.
Kan and Ellen now enjoy the mid-west lifestyle, living in Omaha, Nebraska, and offer these additional websites about dry ice.
Where to purchase dry ice: DryiceDirectory.com
For more information on dry ice blasting: dryiceBlastCleaning.com
Where to find dry ice blasting services: BlastCleaningDirectory.com
Sales of dry ice equipment and products: DryiceClassified.com